ALPS® Fabric Technologies

The fabric used for producing prosthetic sleeves and liners is fundamental for guaranteeing maximum comfort and safety. This is why ALPS® began manufacturing its fabrics years ago: to be sure to offer a product that best meets the functional needs of prosthetic wearers. The fabric needs to do more than protect the materials used in making the liners and extend their durability; it must also be able to generate a greater, lesser, or differentiated level of tension depending on the needs of the individual user.

ALPS manufactures and uses five types of fabric: beige, brown, black, gray, and knitted.

These five fabric types are not differentiated merely by color and manufacturing process; each has distinctive characteristics and functions to provide each prosthetic leg wearer with the specific benefits they need based on individual lifestyles and clinical conditions.

ALPS fabrics: from the technology of the materials to the benefits to the amputees.

seamless knitted fabric


ALPS' years of experience in manufacturing fabrics have played a fundamental role in developing our latest innovation: products created using Alps knitted fabric.

Our latest fabric manufacturing process has allowed us to:

  • Create products totally devoid of any stitching
  • Maintain control of the tension in each section of the liner to maximize and reduce the effects of pistoning
  • Integrate a matrix in the distal construction of our locking liners
  • Integrate the a distal matrix to limit elongation / U matrix or Regular Matrix

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