Let yourself be inspired by the stories that motivate us to keep doing our very best every day to improve the lives and mobility of people who have lost a leg.

These are the stories of people who have found the motivation and the strength to start over, to take their lives into their own hands and transform them into something precious and unique.



Bill never gave up on his childhood dream of becoming a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, even after losing his leg in a car accident when he was just 12 years old. Through his unwavering determination and hard work, he managed to turn his dream into reality. Bill went on to play standing amputee ice hockey at an international level for Team USA and earned four silver medals. In recognition of his achievements, Bill was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in both the United States and Canada.

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Steven Mosqueda, born and raised in Riverside, California, has a deep love for basketball. Even after losing his leg due to a car accident at the age of 22, he didn't give up on his passion for the game. Despite facing this traumatic experience, Steven is still grateful for his ability to move, be independent, and push himself to achieve his goals.

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Robert Rodriguez was born with a birth defect called fibular hemimelia. At ten months old, his mother faced the tough decision to amputate his leg. She was unsure if she was making the right decision for her son, but Robert is thankful she did. Due to his amputation and wearing a prosthetic, he is proud to show others that he, and all amputees, are capable of doing the same things as any other able-bodied individual.

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Jacek was a young man with a very active life and dedicated a great deal of time to doing sports. When he was 19 years old, he had an accident at work in a mine and lost his left leg. At that point, his world collapsed. But thanks to his friends, to his family and to his own efforts he realized that life after amputation does not have to be restricted to the four walls of an apartment.

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Jiří is a former professional soldier. He was wounded during a military training and lost one arm and one leg, but that did not take away his amazingly positive attitude. Jiří is really active: he loves everything from skiing to running, cycling to horseback riding and all kinds of sports in general.

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As a child Kamil burned both his legs and hands: the doctors managed to save him but he had to undergo several operations, and after almost 20 years the amputation was the last choice. Thanks to his prosthetic leg, he was able to ride a bike again and started to travel all around Europe. ALPS supported his most epic bike-riding journey : 2.800 km across 4 countries in just 19 days.

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Marcin lost his leg due to bone cancer. His prosthesis allows him to live a normal life. Marcin is trying to show others that neither amputation nor cancer is the end of the world, and he is also aims to give to others the kind of encouragement that he needed during his illness. ALPS Flex Sleeve serves him perfectly in heavy mountain conditions; He is also Amp Football player.

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Daniela lost her right leg after a tumor was discovered there when she was 16 years old. Now Daniela is proving she is a fighter. After starting pole dancing – Para pole – she became the world champion in 2016. ALPS liners allow her to wear her prosthesis all day long, keeping Daniela comfortable as she goes about her daily activities.

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In 2010, Miroslav was involved in a car accident and as a result, his left leg was amputated below the knee. Using ALPS liners has increased his confidence, whether it’s riding his mountain bike, hiking or skiing. Miroslav is really active and he motivates others every day.

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Fabio, born with a 17 cm limb reduction in his left leg, is an adaptive extreme athlete. Alps HD sleeves keep his leg dry while surfing and wakeboarding. Fabio recently won a 1st place medal at the European Adaptive Wakeboard Championship 2019 and became a world champion in his division.

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When Massimo was 9, he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma on his left heel and it was decided a month later that the limb had to be amputated immediately. Despite this, he spent a lot of time doing sports like running and pararafting. In 2018 he won the Italian Championship for both the 60-meter and the 200-meter indoor and he was contacted by the Italian Rafting Federation. Sports have always been a fundamental part of his life. It’s what saved him, making him feel like he fits in with everybody else.

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